Welcome to Doug Rider Consulting

That’s me over there … calling a client to tell them some good news.  Call me and let’s get your project started.  Websites, graphics, videos, photography, etc.  The rest of these slides are a few projects I’ve worked on recently.

Doug Rider Films

Doug Rider Films is the photo/video side of of Doug Rider Consulting.  As my skills, experiences and passions have led me to spend more of my time taking pictures and creating videos, I needed a site to focus on these pursuits.

McDonald's Greenhouse

McDonald’s Greenhouse is a lovely flower shop that features all the flowers and related products that you would expect.  This site’s biggest feature is the Events page, which includes an easy way for visitors to learn about their Spring classes, sign up for those classes, and pay for the classes using a credit card. This point-of-sale integrated with their existing system to ensure a seamless experience for visitors and easy administration for the shop.

Workmen's Clothing

Workmen’s Clothing needed a full-service solution for selling their lines of clothing and boots online.  This solution gave Workmen’s complete control of their online store, including the ability to add products, images, specials, promotions, etc. It also included a backend administrative control panel that allows them to fulfill ordres, all in a secure environment.

Let's Build Something Together